His coalition may hold a clear majority but this could quickly fall away 他的联盟也许会占绝对多数,但这种优势可能会很快丧失。
Demand began to fall away. 需求开始减少。
Because almost everything – all external expectations, all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure – these things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 因为所有的事情所有外在期望,所有骄傲,所有对尴尬或失败的恐惧这一切在死亡面前都将消失,而留下的就是真正重要的。
But when you are faced with your approaching death, the physical details of life fall away. It is all comes down to love and relationships in the end. 可是当你感受到步步迫近的死亡时,那些物质的细节都消失了,所有的一切都归于爱人和朋友。
We're most popular at 21 ( but after that, our 99 friends fall away). 我们在21岁的时候最受欢迎朋友最多(在那之后,我们人生中的99个朋友都会消失不见)。
Sometimes we will think we have a bead on two or even three of these things, but after awhile one of them will fall away. 有时候我们觉得已经找到了其中两个,甚至三个要素都已具备,但一段时间后,其中一个就会消失。
So you can see that it is quite natural for each one to peak, and fall away at the end. 因此你能够看到每个文明的高峰期与末路都是很自然的。
As the step rocket goes up, some of the stages at the side fall away. 当多级火箭上升时,边上的几级火箭就脱落了。
As I allow all grievances, anger, fear, turmoil and other negativity to fall away, my perception is changed and I am open to the unconditional love that is always available to me. 当我容许所有的抱怨、愤怒、恐惧、混乱和其他负面的情绪消散时,我的观点随之而改变,而且我愿意接受那本来就是垂手可得的无条件的爱。
However if you can through the power within address these experiences in light the division which you create in your living will fall away. 然而,如果你能够经由内在的力量,将这些经验铭入光中,你在你的生命中创造的分裂将会离去。
The sales of cold drinks usually fall away in winter. 冷饮的销售额在冬季通常是要减少的。
If you take this medicine, all your pains and aches will fall away. 你服下这个药,一切疼痛就会消失。
And overall economic growth started to fall away as trouble loomed. 当问题隐约浮现时,总体经济增长开始逐渐放缓。
His supporters began to fall away from him. 他的支持者开始疏远他了。
Gradually, the fall away from us gone. 渐渐地,秋天离我们远去了。
The snowstorm caused traffic to fall away sharply. 暴风雪使车辆行人大大减少。
An hour out of London the rows of houses started to fall away and we were surrounded by the beautiful countryside. 从伦敦出来一个小时后,成排成排的房屋开始看不见了,我们四周是美丽的田园景色。
He will never fall away even in time of danger. 他即使在危急时刻也绝不会放弃原则。
Notice he's not saying that you're going to fall away from grace if you sin. 注意他没有说,你们将因犯罪而从恩曲中坠落。
The best way to do this is to always do your most important things will fall away. 最好的方法就是最重要的事情永远先做。慢慢地,那些无关紧要的事情将会奇迹般地远离你。
Today, recognise yourself as a star, and allow anything that stops you from shining to fall away. 今天,认识自己是一颗明星了.让那些障碍着你闪耀的东西放下吧!
After a time she lets the red brocade fall away from around her, and takes his hand and guides it. 过了片刻,她任凭身上的红锦缎被子滑落,抓起他的手,给它以引导。
At that time many will fall away and will betray one another and hate one another. 太24:10那时、有许多人跌倒、要彼此陷害、此恨恶。
Got out at last, with earth hanging about his face and hair, he would suddenly fall away to dust. 终于挖出来了,脸上和头发上还带着泥土。他可能突然消失,化为尘土。
You'd scarcely believe anybody could fall away so rapidly. 你简直难以相信一个人会消瘦得这么快。
I've seen cases that the pressure of discounting makes a hotel fall away. 我见过不少酒店迫于降价带来的经济压力而开始削减开支的实例。
These things just fall away in the face of death, leaving only what is truly important. 这些都会在死亡面前消失,只留下真正重要的东西。
You sense the negativity fall away. 你感觉到消极心态消失无踪。
Four seconds after eight they saw a large piece leave the orbiter and fall away. 八点过4秒时他们看到一大块物体从航天飞机轨道器上脱离并坠落。